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Advertise in our Program - HALF PAGE

Advertise in our Program - HALF PAGE


Advertising opportunities are now available in the 200-page, perfect-bound program book that will accompany the Key West Literary Seminar and Writers’ Workshop Program this January.

The program includes original writings by featured authors along with unique artwork. It is the only guide to our Seminar and Workshop Program and the most surefire way to attract our audience to your business.

The Seminar attracts a well-educated and affluent audience from across the country. More than 30% of our paying attendees have annual household income above $250,000; and over 70% have a master's degree or higher. Nearly 70% are travelers from outside the state of Florida.

B&W: full-page $1,200; half-page $750; quarter-page $400
COLOR: full-page $1,450; half-page $900; quarter-page $500